
Kristin Fuchihara, Student Leader and Photographer

Kristin has attended Camp Monarch from the age of six as a camper and is now a camp assistant. She has been a part of Camp Monarch for more years than she can remember! Through Monarch Arts Education, Kristin has been able to express her love for photography, dance, art, and music. Kristin has been the camp photographer and videographer ever since 2013!

Kristin has always loved fine arts. She has studied ballet and modern dance for many years and was the public relations and yearbook editor of her high school for two years. 

Kristin is currently studying at the University of British Columbia in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and is actively involved in a number of different clubs, event teams as well as her faculty’s undergraduate society. She specializes in positions such as graphic designer, creative director, photographer, videographer, event team planner, and online marketing. She loves to get involved in student leadership at school and in her community! Check out our instagram @monarch_arts to view her work.

Always a team player, Kristin is responsible and caring and looks forward to working with the kids at Camp Monarch!